More About EEGC
PUBLIC RIFLE AND PISTOL RANGE The public shooting range consists of covered firing positions with targets set up at 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 yards for rifle and pistol shooting. This range is open for public use with Range Masters on duty to provide a safe and enjoyable experience. Public shooting hours are 10am to 4pm Thursday through Sunday. The cost to the public for the use of our public range for the day is $15 for adults 18 and over, and $5 for shooters age 17 and under. Active duty military, National Guard, and reserve personnel with valid identification shoot for free on the public range. Members may also use four additional firing ranges and an archery range. How to join See our Activities page and Calendar. Please refer to the activity calendar on the website for regularly scheduled classes, registered and informal matches as well as educational activities. |
Public Range
Our public shooting range is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. The public range is closed New Years Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
200 Yard Range
Our 200 yard range is used for our rifle competitions such as the benchrest matches, offhand shoots, and Civilian Marksmanship Program matches.
In 1991 a grant from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife helped us build a large classroom building that is used for events and activities.
Pistol/Rifle Ranges
Our pistol/rifle range extends to 100 yards and has 30 covered benches. Next to it we have a smaller Rifle and Pistol Range. We host pistol competitions throughout the year as well as other events on these ranges.
Our club and other local instructors teach new shooters and others who would like to learn more about firearm safety and the shooting sports.
Many of our members have extensive shooting experience.
Shotgun Range
Our shotgun group is very active and holds competitive shoots throughout the year. The youth shooting program is very popular
EEGC provides to the Public
Spotting Scopes, Sand bags, and most concessions are not available during covid limitations. Bottled water will be available. At the Range, we accept cash or check, Visa, Mastercard, or Discover (Credit or debit) EEGC is not set up on this website for online transactions. EEGC does not provide: